Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let's pool Insights as We Begin!

No one publishes a quality blog alone. I'm looking forward to sharing my insights and adding them to an ever growing pool of great gramparenting techniques, especially for the three groups mentioned above: Already Grampas (anxious to learn and change), Wannabe Grampas who want to earn the joy of the first grandchild and as many more as show up and finally the Grammas who love them.

This last group may well read our ideas here and pass them on to the guy stuck in his recliner of affliction. Hope so!

Spelling caught your eye? I'm spelling the word "Grandpa" with an "m" cuz that's the way most folks pronounce it. In different cultures it's Grandfather (England) Avo (Brazil) Poppi and Pappa (all over) In my neck of the woods it's Grampa.

As I begin to build this blog, I noticed one of those strange things that show up occasionally--and there's a lesson to be learned. Take a quick look at my e-mail address and the connection of the words "grampa" and " in" reveals the combination word grampain. I laughed out loud (lol) at what at first seemed to be a happy accident: a mistake--and yet a wise "hidden" message about the process of grampa operations.

Oh, yes, there will be some pain, depending on how much you pour yourself into the role (I was a drama major once (1966) so I know some about getting into a role.

There are lots of reasons why pain might happen to you. What do you think? Try out the comment section down below and send back your ideas, and maybe a little story to illustrate. Trust me, from all my pre blog research, the joys far outweigh the pain if you're doing it right! Much more to come! JRH

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